Main Building 5F Small Banquet Halls.

  • Small Banquet Halls image
  • Small Banquet Halls image

4 of Small Banquet Halls is various, I'll meet the demands by which they gather.

A party of approximately 25 people by the Buffet form. Having by the Seated form of about 20 people. Please use it for a gathering by a small number of people such as a meeting, a lecture by the Classroom form and a study meeting. You can choose from 4 of Small Banquet Halls according to the destination of the number of people and a meeting.

Meeting place details

Small Banquet Halls  Drawing.

Meeting place layout

Buffet  25 people.

Buffet 25 people.

Classroom  25 people.

Classroom 25 people.

Seated  16 people.

Seated 16 people.

A meeting  20 people.

A meeting 20 people.

Venue Size and Capacity

A table can change according to left and right.

  The area ( sqm) Room height (m) Maximum Capacity
Buffet Seated Classroom Theater
Azalea 51 2.6 25 20 25 40
Sweet flag
Colored leaves
48 25 20 25 4
Cattleya 40 2.5 25 12 - -

Banquet hall information (PDF)